TDVA had a busy month this November, we were finally able to provide hi speed internet access to the Day Room at the Spinal Cord Unit. This Area is private in nature and is a place for loved ones and patients to go and relax, watch TV, and play games....

TDVA Donated $1,000.00 to the Comfort Program today at San Antonio's Veterans Administrative Volunteer Services (VAVS). This program provides items that we so often take for granted. Some of the items are: tooth brushes, tooth paste, dental floss and tote bags personal hygiene items, razors, shampoo, and body wash, also...

Audie L Murphy VA Medical Center public affairs office held a National Vietnam Veterans 50th year commemoration anniversary event and social March 29, 2016 at the first floor Recreation room from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. 35 Vietnam Veterans attended as well as numerous staff employees and Vietnam Veteran family...

The1st Annual Rolling Inspiration Bowling Tournament at Oak Hills Bowling Lanes was held on March 19, 2016. Adaptive Bowlers included military veterans and civilians with different disabilities and all competed in 3 Divisions: 6 Abled Bodied, 8 Wheelchair and 7 Wheelchair Ramp bowlers with 1st thru 3rd Place Medals, we...

Texas Disabled Veterans Association had it's Christmas at the Spinal Cord Injury Unit in Audie L. Murphy Veterans Hospital on December 15, 2015. Giving away over 100 presents to Patients and Staff. Thanks to the donations of some very special people we have been able to keep this tradition alive...

On December 6, 2015, TDVA attended the "A Country Christmas” hosted annually by The Door In The Wall (a 501c3 nonprofit organization) at Cowboys Dancehall in San Antonio, Texas. The Christmas event began at 1 PM until 5 PM and over 450 volunteers and guest attended. TDVA provided Christmas gifts...

On December 11, 2015 TDVA Donated 10 Christmas Baskets designed to feed ten people per basket. This Adopt a Veteran program was started last year and is thus far a big success. The Social workers at the Veterans Administration identify Veterans and their families first, then individual Veterans that might...

On Friday November 20, 2015 the Audie L. Murphy VAVS Committee hosted the VA Bake Sale at ALMVHS, 100% of the proceeds go directly to a fund that is set up to help Veterans with personal items that they often need while visiting the hospital. These same Veterans also have...

The Texas Disabled Veterans Association (TDVA) participated in the 2nd Annual Bridging The Gap Event held on Saturday, October 17, 2015, from 12:00 to 5:00 p.m. The event was organized by the San Antonio Coalition of Veterans and Families (SACVF) and held at VFW Post 76, 10th Street, San Antonio,...

On June 5, 2015, members of the Texas Disabled Veterans Association attended the Fort Sam Houston, Texas SAMMC Patient, Staff, and Family, Appreciation Event In conjunction with the “Invincible Spirit Festival” and met Gary Sinise (Actor/Director/Musician), TDVA members gave Mr. Gary Sinise a Texas Disabled Veterans Association (TDVA) Challenge Coin...