The TDVA way of doing Safe Holiday Business

I wanted to follow up on issues that we are working with through and during the holiday season. As in the past, we at TDVA are helping as many as possible in trying to understand this pandemic and its changing ways. I want to cover three areas that we are assisting with at the Veterans Administration.

1. Virtual Thanksgiving Bake Sale: The concern with close encounters has caused the VA to rethink this fundraiser so they have asked us to donate and we have. I hope we can get back to normal next year, time will tell.

2. Adopt a Veteran Holiday Food Basket: As in the past, we have purchased 40 gift cards so that families in need can buy hams or turkeys to provide for their families. VAVS chooses families according to their need through the chaplain’s office. Always a great cause.

3. Therapeutic Float Therapy: The VA, lacking resources in this area, requested through their social worker that we might help a Veteran who suffers from debilitating headaches, migraines and chronic PTSD. This veteran is being helped and they recommended sessions of flotation therapy, a trial to assess the benefit of a minimal stimulation environment on managing the veteran’s symptoms, since primary triggers are visual and auditory stimulation. This therapy would be a compliment to the interdisciplinary interventions the veteran is currently receiving. God willing, this will be a success and the veteran will live a richer life.