TDVA helps our PTRP to get back up and running

Despite the pandemic, TDVA continues its ongoing mission of assisting veterans in time of need. Recently, TDVA provided assistance to the (PTRP) Polytrauma Transitional Rehabilitation Program, System of Care at Audie L Murphy Veterans Hospital. We purchased and delivered disposable food utensil items, HEB gift cards, and sanitizing supplies. All of the donated items were requested by the PTRP in order to reopen as they begin to receive injured troops suffering from (TBI) Traumatic Brain Injury. PTRP’s mission is to integrate newly injured soldiers back to the life they knew through various therapies. TDVA is grateful for all of the ongoing online donations through our website at and our mailing address: TDVA, P.O. Box 4023, Bergheim, Texas 78004. Donations are tax deductible. Godspeed!

TDVA adheres to CDC guidelines.