1st Annual Cart & Comfort Program Raffle
We had our first annual Cart & Comfort Program Fund, raffle drawing on the third of July 2012, It was a big hit all the way around. In the picture above is Joyce Brown, Chief of Volunteer Services at Audie Murphy Veterans Hospital and Don Burton, President TDVA. We provided a check and the funds raised will go to support the following activities:
The Cart Program – Provides refreshments each month to outpatients waiting for appointments. The cart is filled with low-fat and sugar free snacks, bottled water and a variety of chips and crackers. This program quickly became a major success and is applauded by the Audie L. Murphy Veterans Volunteer Services. To date we have served 2,079 Veterans. This program in the beginning was primarily funded by the Board of Directors.
The Comfort Program – We have helped over 820 Texas Veterans with comfort items and with the help of the Audie L. Murphy Veterans Volunteer Services we have reached hospitalized and homeless Veterans. The program provides the basic hygiene items that we so often take for granted.
The winners in order are: Ms. Dorethy 4th place, Mr. VanSyckle 3rd place, Ms. Hemmeline 2nd place and Mr.& Mrs. Schumacher for the 1st place cash prizes. Once again we all at TDVA thank you for helping our Nations Veterans. God’s Speed!